What do you allow yourself to question?

You know, you see all these posts about people and flowers all blooming when they’re ready. How you can’t force someone to see something until they’re actually ready to see it. You could get the mean ones that talk about taking donkeys to water and all that. It’s a lot like dealing with an addict, the task of showing the addict that he/she is an addict is the first and most important step you can take.

Does it make you wonder what messages YOU are missing? Does it make you reevaluate everything you think you know? When you are trying to convince someone of something, do you give a thought to someone else that tried to convince you of something and you simply refused to accept it? I’ve been guilty of this kind of stubbornness myself, a lot. I’m aware of it now and it hasn’t entirely gone away, I know I still harbor my own truths of what should and should be, whether it’s out of fear or something else, I haven’t identified that yet. I do know how detrimental it can be. What am I doing to change this? I learning to pay more attention to everything a person has to say. Every opinion counts, even the “wrong” ones. They give you insight to the nature of this opposing opinion and this in turn gives you insight to the nature of the opposing opinion. Very much like religions.

If you’ve watched The Truman Show, what did you do after it? What did you think about? How long did you think about it?

2 thoughts on “What do you allow yourself to question?

  1. funny you post on this, I was just thinking this. the hardest thing for me is when you SEE and think you KNOW what someone could do to better there situation, and you love them, but they just don’t do it…. THAT is so hard, but it always comes back to EVERYONE has their own path, their own Karma that they need to learn, just as I still have yet to learn – and there’s people who SEE what I COULD do- but are beautiful enough to let me find it on my own… great post today and a great way to say it. thanks for stopping me and making me think this am! 🙂 mikey


    • Thank you for letting me know your thoughts!
      Yea, sometimes I also manage to take a step back and remember that each being is searching, whether we know it or not. As much as one wants to force one “correct” idea onto another, it’s only correct if the other can see why it’s correct. This made me think of how time is different for each individual in physics. Anyway, before I get all mixed up, lol…thanks Mikey 😀

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